Star wars imperial navy art
Star wars imperial navy art

In addition, Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxines raided legitimate commercial shipping and extorted protection money from merchants.

star wars imperial navy art star wars imperial navy art

Rinnrivin's cartel was involved in smuggling and gambling activities in New Republic space with the Amaxines serving as their financiers and partners. Ībout thirteen years before the destruction of the Hosnian system, the First Order began channeling billions of credits into the hitherto minor Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel through a militia group called the Amaxine warriors. The First Order possessed enough capital ships to reclaim control of the entire galaxy as of the Battle of Starkiller Base. With the New Republic's military disarmament program, many within the First Order Navy joked that the strength of their fleet was virtually unsurpassed. Via Project Resurrection, the First Order Navy would end up constructing hundreds of vessels within the Unknown Regions, including the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought. There, away from prying New Republic eyes, the First Order would rapidly expand its military and research some of the former Empire's greatest military secrets in a bid to return to power. The Imperial Navy was the naval arm of the Galactic Empire as well as the precursor of the First Order Navy.įollowing the Galactic Empire's decisive defeat at the Battle of Jakku and its subsequent surrender to the New Republic with the signing of the Galactic Concordance, the Empire reformed into a military junta known as the First Order which would eventually cement its political sphere in the galactic frontier known as the Unknown Regions.

  • 1.3 Counterattack against the Resistance.

  • Star wars imperial navy art