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Curren$y pilot talk trilogy do

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Louis, MO 63103, has been a frequent reviewer in these pages. Father Keefe, on the faculty of the Department of Theological Studies St. Catholic Schools in a Declining Church: A Theological Reflection Donald J. Joseph's College City Avenue at $4th Street Philadelphia, Pennsyl-vania 19131. Questions for answering should be sent to Joseph F. Correspondence with the editor and the associate editor together with manuscripts and books for review should be sent to REvmw voa RELICIOUS 612 Humboldt Building 539 North Grand Boule-yard St.

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Jean Read Editor Associate Editor Questions and Answers Editor Assistant Editor November 1976 Volume 35 Number 6 Renewals, new subscriptions, and changes of address should be sent to REVXEW yon RELIGIOUS P.O. Change of address requests should include former address. Pay no money to persons claiming to represent REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS. Orders should indicate whether they are for new or renewal subscriptions and should be accompanied by check or money order payable to. and Canada: $7.00 a year $13.00 for two years other countries, $8.00 a year, $15.00 for two years. Composed, printed, and manufactured in U.S.A. Published bimonthly and copyright © 1976 by REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS. It is owned by the Missouri Province Educational Institute St. Louis University, the editorial offices being located at 612 Humboldt Building 539 North Grand Boule-vard St. ,llllili,~,iililli REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS is edited by faculty members of St. Issue 35.6 of the Review for Religious, 1976.

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